Introduction to Business
This Business Academy Introduction to Business Program prepares students to be a step ahead in their college classes and/ or to help prepare for entry level employment positions. Do you want to be a Doctor? Lawyer? Engineer? CEO? Run your own business? No matter what career you plan to enter, understanding business basics are essential to your success.
If you are not sure what career is best for you, this is the program to take!! You will acquire valuable information to help you make that important career decision and/or help determine your college major.
This program will give you exposure to business concepts inclusive of marketing, management, business economics, finance and entrepreneurship. Additionally, Internet research, current events, computer applications, and employment skills inclusive of: professionalism, resumes, cover letters, reference lists and interview skills are also covered.

Introduction to Business
Class # 22216 & #22226
Open to: Grades 10 ,11,12
Credits: 4
Description: This Intro to Business Program prepares students to be a step ahead in their college and high school classes and/ or to help prepare for entry level employment positions. Do you want to be a Doctor? Lawyer? Engineer? CEO? Run your own business? No matter what career you plan to enter, understanding business basics are essential to your success. You will learn how Businesses communicate with their customers, both electronically and through written material. This program will give you exposure to business concepts inclusive of marketing, management, business economics, finance and entrepreneurship; acquire employment, computer and professionalism skills as well! Undecided on the career for you? You will learn valuable information to help make that important career decision and/or help determine your college major. To facilitate career exploration you will network with professionals invited to class and attend field trips to various businesses. Part of this class is for students to develop their skills to communicate effectively to an audience using a variety of methods and platforms. Students will have multiple opportunities to practice writing clear email messages, create memorandums, composing & formatting business letters, preparing agendas, presenting information, and public speaking on a variety of topics. Students will learn about software applications in order to be proficient when formatting documents and organizing data. Microsoft Office, including Word, Excel, and PowerPoint will be acquired skills by the students after completing this course.

Maureen Redmond
Intro to Business Instructor
Ms. Maureen Redmond is the Business Academy Instructor for both the Legal Studies and Medical Assisting Programs. She is certified by the State of Maine as a professional “highly-qualified” business education instructor, and an adjunct professor at Central Maine Community College. Ms. Redmond graduated Summa Cum Laude from Husson University in 2004 with a B.S. degree in Business Administration. She also possesses an A.S. degree from the University of Maine. She has over thirty years business experience, inclusive of managerial positions with Hallmark Cards Corporation, Sunbeam Corporation, property, restaurant, office management and running her own small businesses. Ms. Redmond has additional experience as a business education, computer and employment skills instructor at Sanford Adult Education. She is a Dedimus Justice, and has served on the State of Maine Small Business Loan Authority. She has significant contacts and experiences with both the legal